It took me from about 7:00am to 6:00pm, but I finished the Torts section that lasted 3 days (except for completing that heavily discussed one-page study guide) and I got done with the Contracts Foundation course. It was rough. Between eating regular meals and going to the gym, there ain't much time for anything else. I did pretty excellent on the torts quiz if I do say so myself, but tomorrow begins the "deep dive" into Contracts. Vomit.
We agreed last night that the boyfriend would cook dinner... based on what I had planned that is. Kidding, it was very good and surprisingly filling for a salad. He cooked the fresh sweet corn we bought last week and some chicken to go on top of an iceberg and spinach salad with tomatoes and avocado. He even used some of the leftover tza as a "base" salad dressing, meaning he mixed up all of the stuff/vegetables in it until lightly coated. I put way too much of that spicy chipotle-greek yogurt sauce (that I made last week) on my salad, and my nose was running by the end of the meal. REAL spicy. However, the addition of Ranch dressing to that mix made for an excellent combination of flavors. [I mean, come on, chipotle-ranch is critical.] I'll have to remember that. It's SO southwest, Bobby Flay would be proud [yeah right, like Bobby eats Ranch dressing. Also, the Internet is ambiguous on whether or not to capitalize "ranch" in this context]. I tried my best on these lovely pics, as Charlie tried his best on this meal:
Wait for it.... |
Okay, we are in business now. I just got a new photo editing app [Aviary]. This is the only pic of this blog post that uses it, but you can damn sure tell a difference. Will be using it again soon. Again, this is still the salad plain, wait for it... |
It doesn't look like a lot, but that chipotle sauce will burn you up. Yes, this amount only. |
Oh, and again I'll be having leftovers during bar-studying tomorrow... for the fifth day in a row. It is very convenient though. And quick. Maybe tomorrow I'll have my roasted red pepper tomato soup outta the box alongside the salad with its all of two chunks of chicken that are left after tonight. Based on my progession in the studying routine right now, it looks like I'll have some catching up to do over the weekend (womp womp), but for once I am not going out of town. The good news: dinner date night for tomorrow is still happening anddddd a
FOOD TOUR of downtown Durham is on for Saturday afternoon. Get ready for pics on pics on pics. [I'm writing this like I have an audience... nerd.]
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